It Came From The Library: 2

By: Jonathan Milder

(Part 2 of a recurring series; see part 1 here)

Add up L.A.'s cult of Kogi, David Chang's continued superstardom, the rise of Pinkberry and its legion of knockoffs, and a fried-chicken phenomenon, and it's hard to escape the conclusion that Korean is the cuisine of the moment. It's a trend that stretches from street food to high-end kitchens. Even chains are getting into the act. California Pizza Kitchen may soon introduce a Korean barbecue beef pizza and Korean fried-chicken salad.

In an excellent Times article, Jennifer Steinhauer explains the rising influence of Korean-Americans in L.A.'s [and the nation's] food culture thus:

With their well-funded mixture of youthful energy and technological savvy, and a culinary sophistication unchained by tradition, 2 nd generation Koreans can be expected to continue to find inventive ways to expand the market for Korean flavors. They're a force we can only hope to do more reckoning with.


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